


13 January 2023

Online meeting

First meeting within PRO.D.I.G.Y project was conducted virtually. The meeting was an opportunity to learn more about the activities of the partners and to present the people responsible for the implementation of the project. The partners also identified important issues regarding the dissemination of the project – its logo and website, as well as management and quality assurance. Soon the partners will start work on the development of a competence framework for preparing jobs for people with disabilities in the event of a crisis situation.

kick-off meeting

09 March 2023

Online meeting

In March all partners had the opportunity to meetonline again for the kick-off meeting. During this meeting, the foundations for future cooperation were built and the next steps of activities were defined. Participants shared valuable feedback and clarifications on questions before concluding to common understandings, procedures and plans for the project progress.

online meeting in April

12 April 2023

Online meeting

On 12 April follow up meeting of the consortium was organized online to monitor the progress of WP2- Creating a methodological framework for emergency workplace preparation for people with disabilities. Partners are in the process of running interviews with experts and surveys with the representatives of different companies, responsible for emergency preparedness. The final version of the visual identity, templates and logo was also decided. Current management issues were discoused. 

online meeting in May

04 May 2023

Online meeting

On 4 May we held an online meeting of the PRODIGY project, where we discussed the next steps in the implementation of WP2 – Creating a methodological framework for emergency workplace preparation for people with disabilities. We also focused on issues related to the dissemination of the project, the planning of the Newsletters, the design of the website and issues related to the management and financing of the project.

online meeting in June

15 June 2023

Online meeting

On June 15, PRO.D.I.G.Y project partners met online to discuss the project’s progress. After conducting surveys and interviews with business owners, people responsible for crisis management in companies and experts, a report was compiled, describing the state of emergency preparedness of organisations in partner countries, with a special focus on the situation of people with disabilities. The next step will be to develop a methodological framework for preparing the workplace for crises for people with disabilities and for organizations and to create a toolkit for organizations. Traditionally, the meeting also discussed ongoing project management issues, results dissemination and quality assurance.

online meeting in July

06 July 2023

Online meeting

On 6 July, the partners held their last online meeting before the summer break. The meeting discussed the progress of the second work package, which includes the development of a methodological framework for emergency preparedness in the workplace taking into account the position of people with disabilities. The meeting also discussed project management tasks and the preparation of a leaflet to promote the project.

online meeting in September

01 September 2023

Online meeting

On 1 September, project partners held an online meeting to take stock of what has been accomplished so far and to plan upcoming activities after the summer break. The consortium is currently finalising a competency framework for workplace emergency preparedness for people with disabilities. A benchmark analysis of existing self-assessment tools for emergency preparedness of institutions has also been carried out. Based on the conclusions drawn, proprietary tools will be designed, taking special account of people with disabilities. Traditionally at the meeting, the partners also discussed issues related to the day-to-day management of the project, quality assurance and dissemination of project results.

online meeting in October

12 October 2023

Online meeting

On 12 October, the partners held an online meeting, to sum up their work so far and plan the upcoming activities of the project. The main focus was on setting the next steps for WP2: Creation of methodological framework for workplace emergency preparedness for people with disabilities. A deadline was set for a pilot with SMEs in all partner countries. We also discussed the summary of the analysis of the companies’ self-assessment tools and the creation of a syllabus, as well as management and dissemination issues.

online meeting in November

16 November 2023

Online meeting

On 16 November, the partners of the project PRO.D.I.G.Y – Promoting Disability Inclusion in emergency response in the World of Work met online to discuss the progress of the project. Following a benchmark analysis of existing self-assessment tools, the partners are working on developing their own self-assessment tool for emergency preparedness. At the same time, a methodological framework for emergency preparedness for people with disabilities and organisations and the creation of a toolkit for organisations is being finalised. Traditionally, the meeting also discussed ongoing issues of project management, dissemination of results and quality assurance.

online meeting in December

11 December 2023

Online meeting

On Monday 11 December, the Consortium held the last online meeting of the year and discussed the ongoing activities and plans for the coming weeks.

The partners completed the piloting of the Methodological Framework for Emergency Workplace Preparedness for People with Disabilities in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Conclusions and suggestions from managers and employees of SMEs will soon be incorporated into the prepared documents.
Intensive work is currently underway to finalise the catalogue of requirements for the syllabus and the interactive training package. At the same time, the first outlines of these materials are being developed. Finally, we have also taken stock of management and dissemination issues, as the first year of this interesting project is just passing! 

online meeting in January

10 January 2024

Online meeting

On 10th of January the Consortium started the new year of cooperation with the online meeting. During the meeting the details regardnig training course content and developing the VR games were analized. Traditionally, the meeting also discussed ongoing issues of project management, dissemination of results and quality assurance.

online meeting in February

12 February 2024

Online meeting

On February 12, PRO.D.I.G.Y. project partners held another online meeting. During the meeting, the process of creating digital versions of the Competency Framework and Toolbox was discussed. The meeting was also an opportunity to present the first version of VR games. Traditionally at the meeting, the partners also discussed issues related to the day-to-day management of the project, quality assurance and dissemination of project results.

online meeting in March

13 March 2024

Online meeting

On 13 March, the project partners held a monthly online meeting to discuss the progress of the project. Following the research phase, which has resulted in the creation of a methodological framework for emergency workplace preparedness for people with disabilities, the partners are developing the practical part.

In this phase, a self-assessment tool will be developed. Based on it, managers of small and medium-sized enterprises will be able to assess the organisation in order to identify gaps in crisis planning and workplace training, including training for people with disabilities. The second part of the tool will target employees to assess their current knowledge of emergency preparedness and understanding and awareness of disability inclusion. Once the current knowledge has been assessed, the existing knowledge will be enhanced by participating in an interactive training package using VR/AR. The course will cover topics such as handling emergencies, including people with disabilities in crisis management or assisting people with disabilities in crisis situations. Participants will learn about best practices in emergency planning and expand their knowledge of selected dysfunctions and degrees of disability with the promotion of the use of practical methods/techniques useful in an evacuation situation. Technological solutions in emergency management and the use of VR/AR technology to simulate emergency situations will also be discussed.

online meeting in April

12 April 2024

Online meeting

On 12 April, the project consortium held a monthly online meeting to summarise the progress of the project, discuss issues of ongoing management, dissemination of results and quality assurance of outputs.

During the meeting, partners confirmed that the content for outcome two, Workplace emergency preparedness Framework, which provides companies with the all the required tools and methods to implement workplace emergency preparedness suitable for people with disabilities is ready for uploading on our website. Technicians are continuously working on improvements in this area. The consortium has also discussed the details of how to evaluate the tool.

Partners also elaborated on the progress on outcome three, specifically the creation of Emergency Preparedness Self-Assessment Tool. Consortium confirmed that questionnaires for the evaluation of the tool are ready for usage. This action will ensure that the quality of the tool that has been created is high. The partners agreed that by the end of the month Self-Assessment Tool will be digitalized. In parallel, consortium is working on the development of the syllabus and soon they will start peer review of the modules.

online meeting in May

10 May 2024

Online meeting

On 10 May 2024, project partners met online to discuss the progress made in the implementation of the project results.

During the meeting, all partners agreed that they had completed the evaluation process of the Methodological Framework. This resulted in the work of the technicians, who are finalising all the necessary improvements to the digital version of the tool.

The partners also discussed the progress made in WP3: Development of a Self- Assessment Tool and Interactive Training Package (using VR/AR). The consortium is in the process of implementing the self-assessment tool on the project website. The tool includes: ‘Assess your organisation’ Tool, which has been designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from different sectors to assess their current level of emergency preparedness, and ‘Assess your knowledge’ Tool, which has been developed to assess the understanding and awareness of the inclusion of people with disabilities in emergency preparedness activities.

The partners also agreed to peer review the modules of the training course by the end of the month to ensure its quality. In addition, the first draft of the video game scenario was presented to the partners. The consortium discussed first impressions and shared their opinions.

As always, the partners discussed issues related to the dissemination of project results, quality assurance and project management.

online meeting in June 2024

10 June 2024

Online meeting

On 10 June, PRO.D.I.G.Y project partners met online to discuss the project’s progress. During the meeting the online version of the materials developed so far was presented. On the project website the framework and self assessment tools for indywiduals and SMEs are already avaliable. Partners are working on transferring the learning materials into digital tools and developing e-learning courses. Dissemination, ongoing management and quality assurance were discussed too.

online meeting in July 2024

22 July 2024

Online meeting

On 22 July 2024, the PRO.D.I.G.Y project consortium met online to discuss the progress made in the implementation of the project results.

The partners are in the process of finalizing result WP3: Development of a Self- Assessment Tool and Interactive Training Package (using VR/AR). Currently, the consortium’s efforts are focused on developing and testing VR games, implementing the training course documents and transforming them into an e-learning tool on the project platform.
In addition, the partners are in the process of organizing pilot testing sessions to ensure the highest possible quality of the produced results. As always, the partners also discussed issues related to the dissemination of project results, quality assurance and project management.

online meeting in September 2024

10 September 2024

Online meeting

On 10 September 2024, the PRO.D.I.G.Y – Promoting Disability Inclusion in emergency response in the World of Work project partners convened online to review the progress and plan the next steps in the project’s implementation.

During the meeting, the consortium focused on finalizing WP3: Development of a Self-Assessment Tool and Interactive Training Package using VR/AR.

Partners also discussed WP4: Design and Programming of the Online Training Platform, where the structural framework is ready. Testing efforts will focus on the English version of the platform, with a finalization deadline of 15 October 2024.

The meeting included updates on dissemination strategies, emphasizing the importance of growing the project’s social media following and preparing for upcoming events such as the final conference on 27 November 2024. Quality assurance, project management, and administrative tasks were also reviewed.

online meeting in October 2024

14 Octomber 2024

Online meeting

On 14 October 2024, the PRO.D.I.G.Y project partners met online to discuss the progress in implementing the project results.

The partners are finalizing WP3: Development of the Self-Assessment Tool and Interactive Training Package using VR/AR. Efforts are currently focused on completing the testing of VR games and translating the Self-Assessment Tool for the project website.

Additionally, the consortium reviewed updates on the e-learning platform under WP4, which now includes national language materials. Partners are conducting final testing of the English version to ensure platform quality. Dissemination efforts including p social media engagement were also discussed.

The Final Conference is planned for 27 November 2024, following the TPM on 26 November 2024. Organizational tasks and deadlines were reviewed to ensure smooth execution of both events.

online meeting in November 2024

8 November 2024

Online meeting

On 8 November 2024, the PRO.D.I.G.Y project consortium met online to review the project’s progress and finalize the remaining tasks ahead of its conclusion.

During the meeting, updates on WP3 were provided. The Training Course, translations, and VR games are complete, with final files uploaded to the platform. Testing of the Self-Assessment Tool, Training Course, and Digital Platform is finished, and reports are in preparation.

The online training platform is nearly complete, with additional testers still needed to meet evaluation requirements. Dissemination efforts are ongoing, partners were reminded to boost social media engagement.

The Final Conference is set for 27 November 2024, following the TPM on 26 November, both in Ostrava.

TPM Ostrava

26 November 2024

Transnational Meeting

On 26th November 2024, in Ostrava, Czech Republic, the PRO.D.I.G.Y: Promoting Disability Inclusion in Emergency Response in the World of Work project consortium gathered for a Transnational Project Meeting hosted by Handy Club Ostrava. Partners from Poland, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, and the Czech Republic came together to review progress, finalize deliverables, and align on dissemination strategies.

Highlights included summarising the work of Work Package 2, ensuring the completion of all tasks in the VR-based exercises and e-course for Work Package 3, and checking the final touches on the online training platform for Work Package 4. Partners also discussed national Multiplier Events and Final Conference in Ostrava.

The meeting concluded with the discussion of the quality assurance and dissemination for the project.

The meeting concluded with a discussion on quality assurance and dissemination of the project.

Stay tuned for updates on how PRO.D.I.G.Y is changing emergency preparedness training around the world.

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