
Promoting Disability Inclusion in emergency response in the World of Work


The general objective of the PRO.D.I.G.Y project that we would like to achieve is to promote the use and adoption of AR/VR solutions to assist disabled people, first responders and companies during workplace emergencies to increase the safety of people with disabilities. Acquired Emergency Preparedness Training would offer people and companies ways to prepare and be protected during unexpected workplace emergencies.


With the rapid technological advancements, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies have been increasingly adopted to address various challenges in emergency management in the built environments.
Our research showed that utilizing and adopting AR/VR into the organizations Emergency response plans for disabled people (employees or visitors) in coordination with responders would be a very important step forward in:

a) helping organizations aligning with EU initiative as expressed in the “Union of Equality, Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030” and the EU digitalization initiative as is supported these last years;

b) supporting and ensuring disabled people will respond effectively in emergency situations;

c) supporting and ensuring First Responders’ teams will be assisting disabled people effectively in emergency situations;

d) assisting into digitizing the emergency response training and exercising process that is usually on paper in the vast majority of the organizations;

e) utilize a methodology to approach the overall subject in a holistic way.

Based on these facts the Consortium of PRO.D.I.G.Y project, shaped by 7 partners from Poland, Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Czech Republic decided to implement the proposed project in order to promote the use and adoption of AR/VR solutions to promote inclusion in emergency preparedness.


Project Title:  PRO.D.I.G.Y – Promoting Disability Inclusion in emergency response in the World of Work

Programme: Erasmus +

Project Type: KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Number: 2022-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000087639

Project start date: 2022-12-01

Project end date: 2024-11-30



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